Tuesday, July 17, 2012



 I have hesitated to write this story of Molly for several reasons. After all what more can be said about the world's most famous barn owl that hasn't already.  She so touched the world that if a Nobel Peace Prize could be awarded to an animal she would be more than deserving. And I admit that even after we lost McGee I held out hope that once again that owl box magic would occur and a new male would come around and take up with our Molly. But magic only lasts for so long, those precious fleeting moments of time when it seemed the world around us stopped and all we could do was gaze at her. But it was Carlos latest blog, with the photo of the cams sitting there that made me realize the time had come. It was the finality of seeing them that sent tears streaming down my face because I knew it meant we would never again see her. And so I will try to tell her story as best I can from my heart that will forever love her.

  And how to describe our Molly. The way the sunlight would shine upon her, that marvelous speckled golden brown array of feathers. And her wonderful golden speckled chest such a contrast to McGee's almost pure white one. But it was her eyes, those deep black pools that seemed to look right into the soul, that made you feel like she knew exactly how you felt. Surrounded by the shape of a golden fringed heart, it was a face of pure love. There will never be any doubt she was the most beautiful owl we have ever seen.  

   Molly was mated for life to our beloved McGee, may he rest in peace. And it seemed a match made in heaven, these two owls so very much in love. Those timeless photo's  of their obvious affection towards one another priceless to us MOD's. The kissy kissy that we never tired of. Such a stunning couple they made  side by side in the owl box swaying in the breeze. Oh how we loved to watch them.

   Molly was Mother to those two precious clutches we watched. And our eyes were glued to every moment of her raising the those owlets. The tenderness and and care she displayed was a beautiful sight to behold. Keeping them warm and safely tucked under her as they grew. Tearing prey into bite size bits for the tiny owlets until they were able to shred it for themselves. We saw her gently clean Carey's eyes when we were all concerned over his vision. And in her most unbelievable display of parenting we watched as she gently removed the shell from Jody as she hatched. Molly taught us so much about owl behavior with her young. And she taught us love.

   Molly was mate, mother and she was so much more. Friends often say they can't describe what it means to be a MOD to others. And I know what they mean, after all how can one tell about something so  amazing, so  inspiring that it defy's description. But we MOD's know. Those magical owl box moments that will never be forgotten. We could never get enough of them. We have the songs, the photo's , and the memories. We have the the laughter and the tears. They are the common threads that bind us together and will hold us together for years to come. And it is all because of a common barn owl named Molly.

  So wherever her journey has now taken her we wish her well.  May she live long and fly free. She has left us with her legacy and a magic feather to hold onto.