Thursday, February 14, 2013

Molly & McGee: A MOD Love Story

  Here we are in 2013 already and it's hard to imagine three years has passed since we first met them. That owl couple we adored and forever hold in our hearts. Just the sound of their names takes us back to that wonderful magical time we spent at the Owlbox with none other than Molly and McGee and their owlets.

   And oh what a time it was. Hour upon hour spent with them, many late into the night for us East coasters. As they mated, brooded and hatched those two amazing clutches we followed every moment. It was all so new to most of us and we learned so much about barn owl behavior through our watching. Every hatch was a wonderful sight to behold and those two owlets lost in the 2nd clutch a reminder of just how fragile life is. We watched them grow from tiny prehistoric looking beings into fuzzy white owlets and then into their beautiful barn owl feathers, a miraculous transition we never tired of. As they fledged one by one it was a nerve racking time that left us on the edge of our seats hoping they would land safely and return to the box. After they all left it was just Molly and McGee together in the box, side by side, sleeping, preening and loving each other. The love and affection they had for one another a sight so priceless and how I best like to remember them.

   But time marches on, Carlos went his way and the cams were no more. Last April he gave us the tragic news that McGee did not return while hunting for their 4th clutch and we knew he was gone. Molly tried her best but could not save her owlets. She stayed around the Owlbox for some time afterwards but then she too left. Gone but never forgotten, for these two owls left a legacy that will last a lifetime. 

   We call ourselves MOD's and I consider it a privilege to be one. A very special community that has brought so much joy to so many. We've made lasting friendships and met new MOD friends along the way. Who could have imagined the wonderful things that have come from watching those two owls. We've since found other cams to watch and chat and Facebook groups to gather in and share.

   Yet we find ourselves here three years later still as madly in love with Molly and McGee as ever. And I suspect we always will be. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Bravest Little Angel Egg

   This is a story of heroics and bravery . A story of spirits and legends. And yes this is a story about an extraordinary little egg I named Angel egg.

  Archer & Unity bowing

   Angel Egg was laid on March 29th. Her Mother was the lovely Unity and her Father was none other than that tiercel with a white feather named Archer. Just days earlier on March 26th Archer had returned to the  nest box injured and unable to stand on his legs. Unity had sensed something was wrong and tried to comfort him. But he managed to fly off and was seen on nearby buildings for several days afterwards. So Unity laid Angel Egg alone and was torn between caring for her egg and concern for her Archer. Then a new tiercel who would be identified as appeared in town on April 2nd and Archer was not seen again. DC & Unity bonded and mated and he seemed to consider Angel Egg his right from the start. But the unthinkable occurred on April 6th when Unity was struck and killed by a car while struggling with a pigeon she had caught. waits for her at the nest box in vain, unaware of what has happened. He keeps watch over his Angel Egg. She has lost her beautiful Mother and her Father's whereabouts remain unknown but within her hard shell their spirits are forever contained.

                Unity & bowing

   Unity and Angel Egg

   And then just hours after Unity's death, Beauty returns to the nest box, flying back to her familiar territory after being released from Montezuma. She had been in rehab after the injuries she had sustained earlier in her battle with Unity. She barely glances at Angel Egg but settles into her home. But things do not go well. returns to the nest box to find her and he is not happy. Where has his Unity gone ? And Beauty wonders the same about her Archer. They are both very confused about what has happened . Dot  continues to harass Beauty day after day but she is determined to stay in her box. It is a bad situation and everyone is very concerned.

  Beauty with Angel Egg

   Meanwhile Angel Egg had been sitting unattended in the hot sun for many days. Her beautiful red coloring she wore when hatched had faded until she became almost a pale white egg. Now she was truly an angel. She was almost certainly no longer viable and yet there she sat at the ready. But what was her mission ?
Was it Unity's spirit attempting to right a wrong after she  nearly took the life of her Aunt. Was it Archers's spirit determined to keep the Rochester falcon legacy alive, willing the greatness of his genes into this new family. Yes Angel Egg most surely had a mission. To bring these two strong willed falcons together and to watch over their offspring. But it would not be easy.

  From the time Beauty returned on April  6th things would be chaotic for the next three weeks. DC did not want Beauty at the nest box and when she was there he continually dive bombed her and chased her away. Just when things appeared to get better another tiercel showed up and all heck broke lose. Beauty bonded with the male but Dot wasn't about to let him stay and chased him off. In the middle of it all on May 16th a first time occurrence. Beauty comes into the nest box and incubates Angel Egg for a few minutes.  She quite obviously wants to mate and have her own clutch. But with whom ? On the 20th another tiercel shows up and once again Beauty tries repeatedly with him but Dot will not allow it. On the 24th she once again incubates Angel Egg, this time for well over an hour. Is this a sign of things to come ? One can only hope. Then on the the 27th Dot comes into the nest box and there is bowing and echupping between them, surely a good sign. And then after what seemed liked forever a miracle happens and  on April 29th they finally bond.

  Beauty & finally bowing to each other

   On May 16th Beauty lays her first egg. A second will follow on the 19th.  And then she does something amazing. After practically ignoring Angel Egg up to this point she gently pushes her alongside the other two eggs and settles down on her clutch. Angel Egg has found her place. She will remain next to the rest of the clutch until hatch, a guardian angel to them. Things between Beauty and Dot remain somewhat tense as he likes egg sitting but Beauty is not thrilled and often ousts him from the eggs. But it is Dot on the eggs when just after 6AM on June 20th the shell breaks beneath him and an eyas appears. He looks on in amazement at the birth of his son. The other egg does not hatch but a miracle has occurred. After all the tumultuous events of the past months Rochester falcon watchers finally have an eyas. Angel Egg is now a guardian angel to this precious baby. As Dot & Beautykeep busy providing for their eyas Angel Egg remains vigilant as he grows.

  Beauty on Angel Egg & her eggs

                Angel Egg & eyas

   July 13th will be Angel Egg's last day in the nest box. It is banding day for the eyas. After the eyas was removed for banding they return to collect the unhatched eggs for examination. The other egg is cracked and crumbles as they retrieve it. But Angel Egg is as solid as the day she was laid. They would not be able to determine why she didn't hatch because she only contained the spirits of Archer & Unity. She was never meant to be viable, she was meant to be an Angel Egg and that she was. She had completed her mission and we finally had a miracle pefa named Orion. She will never be forgotten and she lives on in the Rochester falcon legacy. For she truly was the bravest little Angel Egg.

                Orion with his guardian Angel Egg